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D-Day Landing in Ormesby

D-Day Soldiers and Willys Jeep bring D-Day to life!

The weather has been atrocious this week and I really wish it would make its mind up as to what it is going to do. I thought it was meant to be Summer.

Recently, staff from across the Federation have had INSET training on teaching and learning outdoors utilising our very own nature areas to good effect with the children. Staff have then been tasked with adapting our curriculums to include outdoor learning opportunities and then delivering an outdoor session with their classes for review later prior to our second training session. I am very much looking forward to seeing what staff come up with. 

On Thursday, a week since the 80th anniversary of D-Day, we were given a real treat with the arrival of a Willys Jeep with its owner Mr. Micklethwaite who arrived dressed in authentic World War Two uniform. Alongside him was Lt. Colonel Byrne and together they held an assembly presentation for all pupils on the significance of the Allied invasion on D-Day, being in the armed forces and the sacrifice those made to regain a foothold in Europe. I, then, was given the opportunity to drive the Willys Jeep and was thrilled to be able to knock that off my wish list. Thank you for visiting us with such an informative talk. 

Next week, we have a non-uniform day on Friday in exchange for a tombola/raffle prize for our Summer Fayre. We also will be looking forward to a week of cross-phase art sessions between our older and younger classes. 

Have a great weekend everyone!