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Cake All Round!

Macmillan Cake sale raises money for worthy cause!

Cakes were being sold in order to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support today and despite the rain, we managed to raise a few pounds which we will send over to the charity. Thank you for all the donations either through cakes or via the monies contributed. We are always very grateful. 

It has been very pleasing to pop into a variety of classes this week to see how and what the children are learning about. I am always pleased to see how engaged children are and how deeply they often analyse the questions posed to them before answering in a highly thoughtful manner. 

On Friday, I was able to meet with our new School Improvement Partner to discuss the new year head, our priorities for improvement and share our many strengths, We were to carry out a learning walk, particularly looking at History as our school is pushing to achieve national recognition through a quality mark in the subject. Mrs. Holt and the rest of the staff have been working extremely hard to ensure our Humanities offer is varied, engaging and adapted for all pupils. 

Next week on Tuesday 1st October, it will be the first chance for some of our Years 5 & 6 Boys' footballers to take part in a fixture against Herman Primary Academy away in the cup competition. We wish them well. We also have our Individual Pupil photographs being taken on Thursday 3rd October, so I am sure everyone will come to school in uniform (even if they have PE that day) in order to look smart. If your child has PE that day simply pop some kit into an additional bag and pupils will be able to change after they have had their photograph taken. Thursday is also National Poetry Day with the theme: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants, so we will wait to see how classes choose to engage with this on the day. 

Have a great weekend everyone!