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Bees tucked in for Winter!

Honey Bees fed, treated and ready for their Winter period!

Miss McMylor and I have ensured our honey bees have been given sufficient food through sugar syrup/fondant, we have treated the hive against the Varroa mite and we have ensured they are calm and happy to survive through the cold Autumn and Winter period. We did manage to extract some more honey ready to be put in jars, so we look forward to selling this in the future for £5.00 per jar, like we did at the Summer Fayre. 

Our Years 5 & 6 Boys' footballers got to play against Herman Primary Academy in the cup this week and what a start to the season they have made. The scoreline was 7-1 in our favour meaning we advanced into the next round, where we hope to continue our good fortune and progress. I am enjoying coaching the group of boys we have this year and look forward to the season ahead. Everyone who represented the school did really well. 

Thursday saw classes looking at poetry to commemorate National Poetry day. There was a theme of Counting, but it made little difference what types of poems were being looked at, just as long as the children got to enjoy reading them. It was fantastic to see children had already been working on some poetry recently as part of their English writing lessons. Year 4 had been looking at acrostic poems and using their descriptive vocabulary to design their own. 

Next week, we have our first fixture for some of our Years 5 & 6 Girls' footballers, who will have a home cup match against Wroughton. Let us hope they can continue their competitive spirit and get a good victory also. On Thursday, we will also be commemorating World Mental Health Day. 

Have a great weekend everyone.