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Mental Health Saviours!

Profile of mental health raised!

Well done to Mrs. Angel and the School Council for helping to raise the importance of World Mental Health Day. The theme this year was mental health in the workplace, which is so vitally important, particularly in more stressful environments. The comedy props made the photographs more memorable and certainly made for a vibrant display. However, the significance of the day is not lost on any of us and we maintain our drive to ensure everyone has a strong and positive mental well-being. 

The normal seasonal illnesses are rearing their head, so please keep reminding your child of practising strong hand hygiene and encouraging them to cough into their elbows. We want to keep everyone as healthy as we can, including the staff. 

Friday saw a Years 5 & 6 Girls' football cup fixture against Wroughton Academy's team, who travelled over to take part. Both teams played extremely well and made for a fine game to spectate on. The girls who represented the school made us all very proud and I hope they can continue to perform as well throughout the season. Come on Ormesby!

Next week, we will have our Junior Halloween disco on Wednesday, whilst on Friday we have a non-uniform day in exchange for a Harvest Festival donation. Friday will also see our first double header of the season, where both our Years 5 & 6 Boys' and Girls' Teams are heading off to Martham Primary Academy to play football. 

Have a great weekend everyone!