Jubilee send off for Half-Term
Queen's Platinum Jubilee celebrations on the Field
This week, before the half-term, has been crazily busy. The preparations for the joint celebrations to commemorate the Queen's jubilee have taken their time, but the efforts from both school staff, parents and PTFA members has enabled the event to be a success. Thank you so much to all who have contributed to helping us raise a huge amount of £560.
On Tuesday, the Boys' Years 5 & 6 football team played Southtown and came away with another well-earned victory, Well done everyone involved.
Today, we also had two Headteachers for the day. Having them, helped massively to prepare the Jubilee celebrations in the afternoon. They completed a learning walk, not to mention an assembly in the Infant school and were very energetic and did the role very well.
We return on Monday 6th June, so have a wonderfully relaxed half-term everyone.