Bank Holiday of Sorrow
Busy week ends with a Bank Holiday for the Queen
This week we have been mourning the loss of Queen Elizabeth II in school; reflecting on her life and supporting those pupils and staff affected by her passing. It was informative, not to mention therapeutic, to revisit prior learning from May's Platinum Jubilee festivities. Pupils have been creating portraits of the Queen in her honour.
At the beginning of the week, pupils carried out Roald Dahl-orientated activities to remember his birthday. It has been brilliant to hear the pupils and staff talk about our new blocked curriculum covering fresher areas of learning in such a positive and enthusiastic manner. I have every faith this will continue to grow.
This week's attendance was won by 3GV with 99%, closely followed by 4RH with 96%. Keep this up everyone and see if you can be the first class with 100%.
I have enjoyed returning to after-school football club with a new bunch of players. There is some promising new talent and I cannot wait for our first competitive match.
After the Bank Holiday Monday, we have a Year 5 trip to Hampton Court to look forward to in support of their Tudor learning and I have the privilege if visiting classes further to see how they are all getting on with their lessons.
Have a positive weekend everyone!