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Sports' Premium Funding

Please see the financial breakdown for our Sports' Premium Funding and the impact the funding has had and the key information regarding Year 6 swimming ability. (Attachments below)

We use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of physical education, physical activity and sport we offer.

This means that we use the premium to:

  • develop or add to the PE, physical activity and sport activities that we already offer.
  • build capacity and capability within our school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining us in future years.

SEP 2024 - JULY 2025

Our PE Premium projects and their impact:

Development of Aspirations and Careers

Children will be given access to specific employment industries, with some being in sports and sports science, to learn the finer details of and qualifications necessary to obtain a career in that field. Pupils will be surveyed to identify the careers they are interested in. Pupils will be given the chance to represent the school in sports and to attend various venues for sporting fixtures, some where young leaders can inspire the younger pupils to lead. Links exploited with ENSFC to provide pupils with access to higher quality resources. 


Children will have their aspirations raised regarding a career in sport.

Pupils will identify the skills and qualifications needed for a specific career path they are interested in.

Increased engagement with school and learning.


Children are more willing to participate in sport and emulate those pupils who have gone before them. Children are more aware of the opportunities for employment around them and able to plan their future academic or vocational paths in advance within sport or sports' science.

After-School and Extra-Curricular Clubs

Premier Sports will be providing weekly after school clubs for children, primarily around Multi-Skills, Fitness, Tag-Rugby and Football. These clubs will be heavily subsidised by the PE Premium money. Our after-school club provision will be sport-based and offer sporting activities each day it is open free of charge.


More children accessed after-school club provision at than the previous year.

Access to more obscure sports not in the curriculum have been provided to pupils.

Increased engagement in sporting activities from pupils who rarely participated in them.

Increased access to high quality specialist sports' coaching.


Children are engaging in further opportunities provided by the school to develop the social and physical abilities. 

Enrichment Days

Premier Sports and school staff will be providing an enrichment day each term in more obscure sports. These days will allow every child in the school to try their hand at a new sport free of charge. The children are then given linked routes for each sport to a local club, if their interests are stimulated by the taster sessions or if popularity dictates a club is needed to be established at school. 


Access to high quality sporting experiences was provided to the pupils.

Access enabled to obscure sports not available within the curriculum, which led to new extra-curricular clubs being established for all pupils.

Increased engagement in sporting activities.


All pupils get to experience less common sports, which generate interest and opportunity towards something new and stimulate interests in future pursuits.

Sports' Holiday Clubs

Premier Sports may host sports' holiday clubs in the February and May/June 2025 half-term holidays to increase access to sport and to improve the fitness of our pupils. 


Improved stamina and fitness.

Increased involvement in sport outside school for those who do not normally do anything active. 


Pupils have access to sports even during holidays.

Parents are supported with childcare. 

Staff CPD Training

External specialists will be paid with PE Premium funding to support teachers to develop their skills in areas where subject knowledge can be improved. Premier Sports will also be paid to upskill our staff to ensure improvements to the quality of teaching, for example PE Premium was spent on acquiring training for the After-School Club staff to increase the physical activity on offer to all those pupils attending this wrap-around care provision.  


Improved quality of teaching.

Increased involvement in sporting activities outside of the classroom.

Increased attendance at after-school club due to increased popularity. 


Staff have improved sports' knowledge to provide a stronger PE provision for our pupils.

Gymnastics Coaching and Teacher Training

Michelle Bailey has been employed by the school to deliver high quality gymnastics sessions throughout the year to all year groups. Class teachers will work alongside him to learn new skills and improve the teaching of gym. 


Improved gymnastics teaching.

Staff improved their knowledge of the subject.

Improved fitness and well-being levels for pupils.


Children are more aware of the need to be physically fit and show an enthusiasm to participate in activity that develops core strength and gross motor skills. 

Improved Sports' Resources

Stronger resources purchased to enable a wider variety of sporting opportunities to be offered to pupils. Equipment needed to enable after-school clubs, fixtures and sporting lettings to be able to operate all year round.  Physical development resources purchased to improve outdoor areas and provide more challenge in developing pupil abilities in this important strand. 


Improved fitness and well-being.

Increased opportunities to learn new skills.

Ability to offer a wider range of sports with new extra-curricular clubs being established.

Increased uptake in after-school clubs due to increased popularity. 


Children have a stronger appreciation for taking part in sport and being fit and healthy through sport. 

This year we have approximately £17,160 spend on the above projects.

Please look at the attachment or ask at the School Office for a breakdown of costs for the above projects.