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High School Transition Time

Year 6 children enjoy their transition to High School!

Transition day on Monday really helped the children get to see what their new classrooms and new staff would be like. We are not massive schools, so the children know who everyone is, but it was good for staff and children to get to know each other a little better. It was also good for the new Year 4 to see Ms. Newman, who has been very poorly. Our Year 6 children went off to their respective High Schools, Flegg and Stalham this year, and came back raring to go for September. We will be sorry to see them go as they have been a fantastic bunch and extremely helpful on different occasions, such as at the Infant Sports' day on Thursday.

Tuesday will see the release of the Year 6 SATs results and everything will be crossed for a successful outcome. This cohort genuinely deserves to achieve well, because they have worked very hard and are always willing to please. Parents will get these results next week once they have been collated by staff. 

Year 5 went over to Caister Academy to experience a different High School and to see secondary facilities in person. They returned very keen to go again, so we will have to see what High School choices they make in September, which will soon come around. 

Next week, we have our Junior Sports' afternoon on Monday 8th, weather permitting, and on Wednesday 10th we have our Ormesby University Graduation for those participating at the Church followed by the Summer Music Concert with Mrs. White-Joubert. Friday 12th sees our Summer Fayre begin at 3:30pm on our school field and again, we hope the weather stays fine and dry for everyone to enjoy themselves. 

Have a great weekend everyone.