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Summer Fayre is not fair!

Rain for the second year running does not dampen the Summer Fayre activities. 

The penultimate week has seen many activities taking place with Friday culminating in the Summer Fayre. A huge thank you to our PTFA for their organisation and their diligence in ensuring everything set out was achieved as well as it was, despite the rain returning for the second year running. Nevertheless, the show went on and by the final count, £1,500 was raised. This is an amazing achievement and our Federation is extremely pleased by the generosity. It was rewarding to see our own school honey being sold for the first time. For those who bought some, we hope you enjoy the taste.                                                              

On Monday, we held our Junior Sports' afternoon and everything went swimmingly with the weather holding well. Everyone got to take part in multiple events for their House Teams and all these points contributed to the overall winners being Barton House. A fantastic achievement for this team. Since I arrived in 2021, a different House Team has been victorious each year. 

Next week, we have the Attendance Reward Trip on Monday afternoon to the cinema. On Tuesday, our Year 6 class will be off to Pleasurwood Hills, whilst on Thursday we will have our Year 6 Leavers' BBQ. Friday, the final day of the academic year, will see the Year 6 Leavers' assembly 

Enjoy the Wimbledon and Euros 2024 finals this weekend and we will see you all on Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.