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Experiencing Henry at Hampton Court

A fantastic trip shares the knowledge of Tudor rule by Henry VIII

Year 5 got to experience going beyond the borders of Norfolk with a trip to London to visit Hampton Court as part of their Tudor studies. It was an early start and a long day, but the children were so engaged and behaved impeccably. Well done to the staff for arranging the trip and making sure everyone enjoyed themselves. 

A code of conduct letter has been sent out all about the up-and-coming football seasons for the boys' and girls' teams. There is an acknowledgement slip which both parents must sign before returning it to the school. Without this slip completed fully, a child will remain unavailable for possible selection.  Hopefully, we will all be able to enjoy the fixtures ahead.

We are altering the manner in which we operate our lunchtimes in order to improve the way our pupils interact with one another during their free time. Our Year 3 class will now dine with the Year 5 children and the Year 4 children will do the same with our Year 6 class. Positive role modelling will help the younger children learn our high expectations for effective lunchtime interaction. We will also be zoning the space children can use, providing calmer and more active areas for those requiring them. We shall review how the new approach goes. 

Next week, we have our Travelling Book Fair on 26th and 27th September, not to mention our Macmillan Cake morning on Friday. We would really appreciate some cake donations for this event helping to raise money for a very worthy cause. 

Have a great weekend everyone!