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The new year 3 have enjoyed their first week in their new class.

This week we have been getting to know the new school. On Wednesday we got straight on with our learning. In English, we started looking at the book 'The Lost Words'. We were set a challenge to find and bring back the lost words. Our poem is called 'Kingfisher'. We identified that it is an acrostic poem and the poet used kennings to describe the kingfisher. We have chosen our own bird or animal to describe. So far, we have thought of colours and verbs that describe our chosen creature.

In maths, we took part in a week of inspirational maths. We have found out that anyone can be good at maths and how our brains grow and change. We tried some different maths challenges with our partners, including using place value and different ways to make ten.

Our curriculum focus was PSHE. We talked about the school values and rules, how to work as a team and how it feels to be included. We also had our first French lesson and enjoyed the outdoor area, in particular the new playground markings.

Everyone has settled in to their new school very quickly, and we are looking forward to the first full week after a restful weekend!