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Year 3 are Artists!

This week's curriculum area is art.

This week, year 3 have been focusing on art. The children started by thinking back to the artwork they covered last year. We then talked about tints, before creating tints for primary and secondary colours. Next week we will study the work of Sean Scully before putting our skills into practice by creating work inspired by him.

In English, we continued our work on The Lost Words. We used a poem about a kingfisher to inspire us to write our own poems. We have written them up neatly and decorated the page with pictures and patterns from nature.

Maths saw us begin our work on place value. We have used resources to make and partition two-digit numbers in preparation for working with three-digit numbers.

Our music lessons with Mrs. White-Joubert started on Tuesday. This half-term we are going to be learning a barn dance!

On Friday, we celebrated Roald Dahl Day by listening to an extract from Matilda.