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The Magic Paintbrush!

Weekly Update.

This week we finished our artwork. Our painting was inspired by Sean Scully. We mixed our own colours and then created paintings using blocks and stripes of those colours.

In English, we started our first writing unit. We are reading the book The Magic Paintbrush by Julia Donaldson before creating our own imaginative stories about a magical object. We started off the week finding out about the setting of the story - China. After listening to some Chinese music and looking at images of trees, flowers, buildings and landscapes we went outside to create our own Chinese inspired images.

In Maths, we have moved on to working with three-digit numbers. We have been learning what each digit represents and what its value is.

We have also selected our class representatives for the school council, sports and safety committees - I am sure the children selected will do a fantastic job!

Next week we are looking forward to moving on to a new curriculum area - Science - when we will be learning about forces and magnets.