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Investigating with Magnets

This week we worked with magnets. We found out that like poles repel each other but different poles attract one another. Then we investigated which objects and materials are magnetic before using the different magnets to find out which one was the strongest. We then used the data we collected to create a bar chart and talked about what we had found out.

In English, we finished The Magic Paintbrush. We have learnt to create similes, how to use inverted commas for speech, what an adverb is and how to use them and to create mystery in our stories by not revealing the plot too quickly. Next week we will be writing our own magic stories.

In PE we have been playing invasion games, we are learning how to work with others as part of a team, how to pass and defend.

Next week we will move onto our first history unit of work. We will be finding out about Mary Seacole and her legacy.