KG have been feeling hot, hot, hot...
Y4 's are all tie-d up.
As you will all know today it has been hot, hot,hot. Children - and adults - in KG have done so well, especially this afternoon, to keep going even though we were melting ! We managed some outdoor PE this morning when we were developing our technique with hurdles. We were trying to get a rhythm and pattern into our running and everyone did really well improving their skills and coaching each other. In other learning this week we have been looking more closely at the habitats of sea creatures and classifying them according to their features. We are coming to the end of our work on The Whale and preparing to do our independent writing task. Today we were playing around with words to make a headline which contained a pun.
Which brings me to the second part of our blog - Y4's are all tie-d up. Of course I don't mean literally - that is a play on the word tie which I hope children spotted. This morning Mr Young came to present all the y4's with their clip on tie ready for September. Everyone was very enthusiastic to receive these and even though the ties did not look quite right against our PE clothes, we know everyone will be very smart and proud when the time comes.
We hope you all have a good weekend and that things are a little cooler wherever you are.