Our Maths Mastery approach is taught daily following a structured timetable informed, in part, by White Rose. Teachers inspire a love for mathematics by ensuring pupils have a firm understanding and fluency of number and place value before tackling other areas of maths, such as the four operations (+-x/). Other areas covered will be geometry, measurement and shape.
All areas of Maths taught will provide pupils with strong opportunities to augment their skills in problem-solving, whether that be through direct calculation or through a longer challenge requiring explanation or reasoning. To ensure pupils master mathematics, they are taught to understand the maths in Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract ways. They are then able to explain the mathematics taking place and in turn they are able to use and apply their knowledge in different contexts.
To assist our drive to produce lifelong mathematicians, we teach using a Cooperative Learning approach. The CLIPS used, enable pupils to engage actively with their peers and build confidence with their understanding before tackling their challenges independently.
We aim to enable all pupils, regardless of ability, to tackle the same task using well thought out differentiation consisting of many effective tools, such as clear and precise modelling, helpful annotations, tactile concrete or pictorial resources and the reassuring support of a classroom adult.
Furthermore, classes undertake daily activities, which enables pupils to practise swift mental recall of mathematical knowledge to solve calculations and reasoning problems. This has a fabulous impact on pupil progress and truly enables pupils to build their confidence in and passion for mathematics. It also provides valuable information to teachers to pinpoint areas for improvement amongst their pupils.
Please use the following link to access further information about the Year 4 Multiplication Check.