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I would like to welcome you to our delightful school, which forms part of the Ormesby Village Infant and Junior Schools Federation.

The staff and governors are proud to have a Junior school that works tirelessly to provide the best educational experiences for every child. The school is constantly pushing to improve, building on the strong foundations that it has already created, ensuring provision remains current, stimulating and above all, inclusive.

All stakeholders (parents, pupils, staff and governors) in our school community work together making every effort to create the happiest, friendliest and most caring environment possible. To this end, we feel our community is a family where school and home are united in enabling our pupils to achieve their full potential and engage in all the school has to offer.

The years spent at primary school are the most special for a child; filled with engaging new learning, but also excitement, awe and wonder. During this time, our pupils will develop new skills and discover unique talents that will remain with them forever. At Ormesby, we aim to provide a stimulating and exciting curriculum that ensures this is possible. We want each and every child to be happy, self-confident and fulfilled, as members of our school and as young, future citizens of the world. We want them to know that they are loved and valued and that they have voices and opinions which need to be heard. 

Our School Vision Caption:

‘Aspire - Acquire - Achieve' 

This embodies our desire to create an atmosphere in which all pupils love to learn and in which they can embark on a life-long journey full of opportunity.

I am delighted to say that the Junior School was graded as continuing to be good by OFSTED in November 2018. The staff and governors were very proud of comments made in the report which stated, "Leaders have established a school community united by a caring ethos in which pupils, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities, make good progress. Leaders and governors have an accurate view of the school’s strengths and weaknesses and implement effective improvement plans. Pupils of all abilities are fully included into the school. Pupils treat each other and staff with care and live up to the expectations of leaders and teachers. Teaching and learning is good. The school's safeguarding procedures are effective and staff act swiftly to ensure pupils are safe from harm." This wonderful report has backed up why we all love coming to Ormesby Village Junior School every day. 

At Ormesby, we always endeavour to provide all our visitors with the warmest of welcomes, so if there is anything that you need to know or if you are concerned about something, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to help.

We welcome you to visit our school and experience first-hand all we can offer your child. Please contact the school office to arrange a suitable time in a COVID-Secure manner.

I look forward to meeting you.         

Mr. Bradley Young